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Example sentences including '妻'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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My daughter has grown into a dress my wife used to wear.娘は妻が着ていたドレスが着られるようになった。
His wife screened him from reporters.彼の妻は彼を記者達に会わせなかった。
He made the actress his wife.彼はその女優を妻にしました。
My wife told me to do away with this old hat.私の妻は私にこの古い帽子をすてるようにと言った。
He is acquainted with my wife.彼は私の妻の知り合いだ。
I'm looking for a gift for my wife.妻への贈り物を探しているんです。
To make matters worse, his wife fell ill.さらに悪いことに彼の妻が病気になってしまった。
He made her his wife.彼は彼女を妻にした。
My wife hates cats.うちの妻は猫が大嫌いなんです。
Mr. and Mrs. Ikeda talked to Ken's teacher.池田夫妻は健の先生に話しかけました。
My wife has just cleared the table.妻はちょうど食卓を片付けたところだ。
His wife nags him constantly.彼の妻は彼に一日中がみがみ言っている。
The butler announced Mr. and Mrs. Smith.執事はスミス夫妻の到着を告げた。
The heart-shaped pond is the pride of the royal couple.ハートの形をした池は国王ご夫妻の自慢の種である。
He is not much of a companion for his wife.彼は大して妻の話し相手にはならない。
His children as well as his wife were invited to the party.彼の妻だけでなく子供たちもそのパーティーに招待された。
Lightning lit up the room every now and then.稲妻で部屋は時々明るくなった。
It is no exaggeration to say that, as far as he was concerned, his wife was life itself to him.彼にとって、妻は彼の命そのものだったと言っても決して大げさではない。
This morning I had a bit of a disagreement with my wife. I didn't think it was a big deal, but seeing what she's like this evening I think I must have upset her.今朝、ちょっと妻といさかいをしました。僕は大したことではないと思ったが、今晩の様子を見ると妻は傷ついていたと思います。
Is it OK for me to remove my wedding ring and go to a dating party when I have a pregnant wife?妊婦妻がいるのに結婚指輪外して合コンに参加してもいいですか?
He bought that house because his wife took a fancy to it.彼は、妻が気に入ったので、その家を購入した。
He bought that house because his wife took a fancy to it.彼は、妻が気に入ったので、その家を買った。
His wife comes from California.彼の妻はカリフォルニアの出身だ。
He told his wife not to buy on impulse.彼は妻に衝動買いするなと言った。
That man is skinny, but his wife is fat.その男はやせているが、彼の妻は太っている。
In other words, she became a good wife.言い換えれば、彼女は良き妻となった。
The dog hid under the bed whenever lightning flashed.稲妻が光るたびに、犬はベッドの下に身を隠した。
He wondered to himself why his wife had left him.彼はなぜ妻が自分を捨てたのかと自問した。
Bob got impatient at his wife's delay.ボブは妻がぐずぐずしているのが我慢できなくなった。
Tom didn't want a wife.トムは妻が欲しくなかった。
He is getting far too familiar with my wife.彼は私の妻になれなれしすぎだ。
My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and neither do I.私の妻は普通は夜にコーヒーを飲まないし、私も飲まない。
Mr Smith says he was born in New York, but that his wife comes from Japan.スミスさんは、自分はニューヨークの生まれだが妻は日本だと言う。
When the singer appeared on stage, the audience gave him the Bronx cheer, because he dumped his wife for another woman.その歌手が舞台に現れると聴衆は彼にブーブーという野次を飛ばした。なぜなら彼は自分の妻を捨てて他の女性に乗り換えたからだ。
Many families now have two breadwinners with both husbands and wives working.今では多くの家庭が共稼ぎで、夫と妻の両方が働いている。
There is milk all over the kitchen floor because my wife broke the bottle.私の妻が瓶をわってしまったので、台所の床は牛乳だらけになっている。
My wife is always finding fault with me.私の妻はいつも私に文句ばかり言っている。
He did not even raise an eyebrow at the news of his wife's death.妻の死の知らせを聞いてもまゆ一つ動かさなかった。
A good husband makes a good wife.夫がよければ妻もよし。
I bought this book for myself, not for my wife.私は自分のためにこの本を買ったのであって、妻のために買ったのではない。
When I was asked by my wife where I was going tomorrow and with whom, I rushed it and ended up giving a confused answer.妻に明日は誰とどこに行くのかと質問され、あせってしどろもどろな回答をしてしまった。
I do not think he will ever get over the loss of his wife.彼は妻を失ったことから決して立ち直れないだろうと思う。
Wives usually outlive husbands.妻は夫より長生きするものだ。
He was never to see his wife and family again.彼は妻と子供たちに2度と会うことはなかった。
My wife is subject to moods.妻は気分に支配されやすい。
Mr. and Mrs. Davis were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year.デイビス夫妻は、ある年のホテルのクリスマスパーティーに招待された。
The opera was graced with the august presence of the Crown Prince and Princess.そのオペラにはおそれ多くも皇太子殿下ご夫妻が足を運ばれた。
I talked my wife out of buying a new car.妻を説得して新しい車を買うのをやめさせた。
I decided to wait at the station until my wife came.妻が来るまで駅で待とうと決心した。
His wife ran a hot bath for him.妻は彼のためにお風呂を用意した。
The man and his wife helped each other.その男と妻は互いに助け合った。
He cherished the memory of his dead wife.彼は死んだ妻の思い出を心にいだいていた。
Why did the newly married Japanese man say something bad about his wife?なぜ新婚の日本人の男性は自分の妻について悪いことをいったのか。
Wife and children are hostages given to fortune.妻子は運命に与えられた人質である。
My wife is a doctor.私の妻は医者です。
My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own.私の妻の着物への好みは私のと反対です。
He hasn't got over the death of his wife yet.彼は妻の死をまだ克服していない。
My wife goes to the village market to buy foods every day.妻は食品を買いに毎日村のマーケットに出かける。
He has taken to drinking since the death of his wife.彼は妻が死んで以来酒を飲む癖がついた。
My wife is suffering from pneumonia.妻は今、肺炎にかかっています。
He was accompanied by his wife at the dinner party.彼は晩餐会に妻を同伴していた。
She's a wonderful wife and mother.すんばらしい妻だし、すんばらしい母親だ。
He sat reading with his wife sewing by the fire.彼は座って本を読んでおり、暖炉の側では妻が裁縫をしていた。
I talked my wife out of buying a new carpet.私は妻を説得して新しいカーペットを買うのをやめさせた。
My wife is Chinese.私の妻は中国人です。
His beautiful wife is his pride.美人の妻が彼の自慢だ。
I think the reason why he killed his wife is still a mystery.なぜ彼が妻を殺したのかは謎だと思う。
He stopped smoking because his wife and children asked him to.彼は妻と子供たちが頼んだのでたばこをやめた。
After his wife died, he lived for quite a few more years.彼は妻の死後、何年も生きながらえていた。
He left all his property to his wife in his will.彼は遺言で妻に全財産を残した。
My wife died of cancer.妻は癌で死んだ。
Happy is a man who marries a good wife.よき妻をめとる人は幸せです。
My wife talked me into buying a new car.私の妻は私を説得して新車を買わせた。
He frowns on his wife's wasting money.彼は妻の無駄遣いに渋い顔をする。
It is wrong for a man to conceal things from his wife.男性が妻にいろいろな事を隠すのは間違っている。
My wife talked me into buying a new car.妻は私を説き伏せて新車を買わせた。
He sat reading, with his wife knitting a pair of gloves beside him.彼は読書をし、その傍らで妻が手袋を編んでいた。
I constantly quarrel with my wife.妻と私はしょっちゅう口論する。
He is afraid his wife is not very domestic.彼は、妻があまり家庭的ではないことを心配している。
He said to his wife "Are you coming with me"?彼は妻に「君も一緒に来るかね」と言った。
He took to drinking after his wife left him.妻に逃げられてから彼は酒を飲むようになった。
He didn't hesitate to tell his wife the truth.彼はためらうことなく妻に真実を語った。
In contrast to her, her husband didn't seem to be enjoying the shopping.夫は妻とは対照的に、買い物を楽しんでいないようだった。
I want to sleep with your wife.私はあなたの妻と一緒に眠りたい。
The dog hid under the bed whenever lightning flashed.稲妻が走るたびに、犬はベッドの下に隠れた。
His wife is worn out after looking after the children.彼の妻は子供たちの世話をした後で疲れ切っている。
The wife and son of the statesman died three years ago.その政治家は三年前に妻と息子に死なれた。
His wife gave birth to twin boys.彼の妻は双子の男の子を産んだ。
The other day we had a telephone call from a man whose wife was going to have a baby.先日私たちのところに、もうすぐ子供がうまれる妻を持つ男性からの電話があった。
He is even older than his wife.彼は妻よりもずっと年上である。
I am inconvenienced when my wife is away.妻がいないと何かと不自由だ。
Tom and his wife live separately.トムは妻と別居している。
The couple transformed chemistry into a modern science.夫妻は化学を近代科学へと一変させた。
However, like America, Japan is predominantly a middle-class, middle-income country, and so wives do not employ maids, but attend to everything themselves.しかし、アメリカ同様日本も中流階級の平均的収入の人々が圧倒的多数を占める国なので、妻たちはメイドを雇わず、自分で何もかもに励む。
The bus had left by the time my wife finished dressing.妻が服を着終わるまでには、バスは出てしまっていた。
The man took up with his wife.その男は妻と交際し始めた。
My wife's constant nagging is getting me down.妻に四六時中ぶつぶつ言われるのには憂鬱になってしまう。
He does not need a wife to look after him.彼は妻に面倒を見てもらうのを必要としていない。
I had my wife die.私は妻に死なれた。
Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon.ウエスト夫妻は新婚旅行中です。
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