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Example sentences including '戴'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Could someone translate the comment above to a language which I can understand?どなたか上記のコメントを私が理解できる言語へ翻訳して戴けませんか?
The consultant, who is under the authority of the Chancellor, gives the committee advice on important questions.顧問は学長を推戴し、本会の重要事項に関し諮問に応じる。
He said I was his archenemy. How did we arrive at a situation like this?不倶戴天の敵と言われるほど、どうしてそんなに嫌われたかなあ。
Please send me a letter as soon as you arrive.着いたらすぐに手紙を頂戴ね。
My little brother asked for some money.弟がお金を頂戴と言いました。
I was wrong; forget what I told you.僕は間違ってた。僕が言ったことを忘れて頂戴。
"Can somebody help me?" "I will."「どなたか手伝って戴けませんか?」「はい。私でよろしければ。」
What is your name?お名前を教えて戴けますか。
Would you pass the salt, please?塩をこちらに頂戴。
I left my keys on the table. Could I trouble you to bring them to me?テーブルの上に鍵を忘れてきてしまいました。お手数ですが持ってきて戴けませんか?
Drop me a line.またメール頂戴。
The movie is a stereotyped sob story.その映画はお涙頂戴ものだ。
May I talk to Ms. Brown?ブラウンさんとお話させて戴く事はできますか?
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