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Example sentences including '芳'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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The present state of the city's finances is not good.現在のその市の財政は芳しくない。
The lotus blossoms diffused an inexpressibly pleasant scent.蓮の花はなんとも言えない芳香をはなっていた。
Yoshio persisted in believing that in spite of the evidence.芳男は反証があるにもかかわらず、そう信じ続けた。
Mr Yoshida was born in Yamagata prefecture, and graduated from Nihon University College of Art with a degree in oil painting.芳田氏は山形県に生まれ、日本大学芸術学部油絵科を卒業する。
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