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Example sentences including '賀'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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He introduced me to his relatives at the reception.その祝賀会で、彼は自分の親戚に私を紹介した。
New Year's cards provide us with the opportunity to hear from friends and relatives.年賀状のおかげで私達は友達や親戚の消息が分かる。
Writing new year's cards is a Japanese institution.年賀状を書くのは日本の習慣である。
Have you written all the New Year's cards already?もう年賀状を全部書いてしまったのですか。
It was not until Chikako left me that I realized how much I loved her.千賀子がいなくなって初めて彼女をどんなに好きだったかに気づいた。
It will be snowing when we arrive at Shiga Heights.私たちが志賀高原に着く頃には雪が降っているでしょう。
Perry visited Uraga in 1853.ペリーは浦賀に1853年に来航した。
Koga, what on earth happened in your youth?古賀、あんたの半生で一体何があったの?
I forgot to send New Year's cards to my friends.私は友達に年賀状を出すのを忘れた。
Which is longer, the Shinano River or the Agano River?信濃川と阿賀野川ではどちらが長いですか。
Have you written all the New Year's cards already?年賀状はもう全部書き上げましたか?
Ceremonies were held to celebrate victories.戦勝を祝う祝賀会が開かれた。
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