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Example sentences including '晶'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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In any case why was it only mine that had a line in the LCD?そもそも何故私の物だけ液晶に線が入っていたのか。
That cute baby is the fruit of their love.あのかわいい赤ちゃんは彼らの愛の結晶です。
He crystallized salt from seawater.彼は海水から塩を結晶させて取り出した。
His wife died leaving behind their two beloved children.彼の妻は二人の愛の結晶を残して死んだ。
My friend from university gave me a Kindle because he said he wasn't using it anymore. It's the DX model with a large screen. It's not easy to use, but the screen is indeed quite nice. It hadn't bothered me until now, but it's become hard for me to read s大学時代の友達がもう使っていないというのでKindleをくれた。DXという画面の大きいモデルだ。操作性は良くないが、画面に関してはなるほどいいもんだ。今まではそう気にならなかったが、もはや普通の液晶画面で物を読むのが辛い体になってしまった。
Emoto Masaru believes that within ice crystals you can read a message to mankind.江本勝は氷の結晶に人類へのメッセージが読みとれると思っています。
You can't see too well with these LCD displays.液晶画面は、見にくいなぁ。
I tried this and that, blending yellow with white powders and obtaining brown, mixing crystals with powders and getting dust, combining liquids with solids and making mud.僕は、黄色い粉末を白い粉末と混ぜて茶色の粉末にしたり、結晶を粉末と混ぜてほこりにしたり、液体を固体と結合させて、泥を作ったりなどあれこれやってみたのだ。
The parents named their baby Akira.両親は赤ん坊を晶良と名づけた。
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