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Example sentences including '翔'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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You're Daisho? Up till now you've really lorded it over us haven't you?おめーが大翔か?今までずいぶんとでかい顔してくれたなあ?
What I looked up to in Shota was not his 'strength'. It was his heroic courage to put his life on the line to carry out his convictions.ボクが憧れたのは翔太部長の『力』じゃない。体を張ってでも信念を貫こうとする雄々しい勇気だったはず。
Shota said that he was shy about seeing her.翔太は彼女に会うのが恥ずかしいと言いました。
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