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Example sentences including '陪'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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The jury is hung.陪審員は未決のままだ。
The jury acquitted him of the crime.陪審員は彼を無罪とした。
They enrolled him as a jury member.彼らは彼を陪審員として登録した。
The jury's guilty verdict gave rise to widespread debate.陪審団による有罪評決が大論争の引き金となった。
I was called in for jury this morning, and I actually have to serve on a case.今朝、陪審の件で呼ばれて陪審員をやることになったんだ。
She stood in the court before judge and jury.彼女は法廷に判事と陪審員の前にたった。
The jury were asked to allow for the age of the accused.陪審員たちは被告の年齢を考慮するよう求められた。
The jury has returned a verdict of guilty.陪審員は有罪の判決を答申した。
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