Example English - Japanese sentences tagged with 'as ... as'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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He speaks English as fluently as if he were an American.彼は英語をまるでアメリカ人のように流暢に話す。
I ran as fast as I could.私は出来るだけ速く走った。
Come as soon as you can.できるだけ早くしなさい。
I walked as far as the station.私は駅まで歩いた。
He is as tall as his father.彼は彼のお父さんと同じぐらいの背の高さである。
I can't run as fast as you.私はあなたほどに速くは走れません。
The problem is as good as settled.その問題は解決したも同然です。
I will never forget your kindness as long as I live.私が生きている限り、君の親切を決して忘れないつもりです。
I ran as fast as I could.一生懸命走った。
I'll help you as long as I live.私が生きている間は援助しましょう。
Please come as soon as possible.どうかできるだけ早く来てください。
I will write to you as soon as I can.出来るだけ早くあなたに手紙を書きます。
Let's start as soon as he comes.彼が来たら始めよう。
She ran as fast as she was able to.彼女はできるだけ速く走った。
He is not as young as he looks.彼は見かけほど若くない。
I have read twice as many books as he has.私は彼の2倍多くの本を読んだ。
I am as happy as can be.私は最高に幸せだ。
He as well as you is tired of this work.あなたはもちろん、彼もこの仕事には飽きています。
You are as white as a sheet.君、顔面蒼白だよ。
Linda can dance as well as Meg.リンダはメグと同じぐらい上手に踊れる。
He seems as busy as ever.彼は相変わらず忙しいようである。
He is twice as heavy as his wife.彼は奥さんの2倍の体重があります。
The teacher as well as his students has come.学生はもちろん先生も来た。
I am not as interested in literature as you.私は君ほど文学には興味がない。
I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.なるべく早くご返事いただければ幸いです。
He earned as much money as possible.彼はできるだけたくさんのお金を稼いだ。
I'll write you as soon as I arrive there.あちらへつき次第お手紙を差し上げます。
I don't care as long as you are happy.君が幸せならそれでかまわない。
I was not as strong as my father.私は私の父ほど強くなかった。
It is not as good as it looks.それは見かけ倒しだ。
The field was white as far as the eye could see.見渡す限り、野原は真っ白だった。
I can't play tennis as well as Tom.私はトムほどうまくテニスが出来ない。
He is as lazy as ever.彼は相変わらずなまけ者だ。
I have three times as many books as she has.私は彼女の3倍の本を持っている。
I will visit you as soon as I can.できるだけ早くおうかがいします。
He always stays in bed as late as he can.彼はいつも出来る限り遅くまでベッドの中にいる。
He is as tall as his father.その子は父親と背の高さが同じである。
I don't have as much money as he does.私は彼ほどたくさんのお金を持っていない。
I ran as fast as I could.私はありったけの力を出して走った。
He doesn't study as hard as he used to.彼は前ほど勉強しない。
Tom doesn't run as fast as Bill.トムはビルほど速く走らない。
I'm as strong as before.私は相変わらず健康です。
We walked as far as the park.我々は公園まで歩いた。
He is as busy as ever.彼は相変わらず忙しい。
He's almost as tall as me.彼は私とほとんど背が変わらない。
I'll support you as much as I can.できるだけあなたを支持します。
My friend Tom has twice as many stamps as I do.私の友人のトムは私の2倍の数の切手を持っています。
You can go out, as long as you promise to be back by 11 o'clock.11時までに帰ってくると約束してくれるのなら外出してよろしい。
Tom can speak German as well as English.トムは英語に加えてドイツ語もできる。
I will go with you as far as Narita Airport.成田空港まで一緒に行きます。
Bill is as tall as Jack.ビルは、ジャックと同じくらいの身長です。
Will you send someone to fix it as soon as possible?できるだけ早く修理の人をお願いします。
I'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.私はできるだけ早くあなたと連絡をとります。
Kate is not as tall as Anne.ケイトはアンより背が低い。
I can't play tennis as well as Tom.トムのように上手にテニスができません。
Take as many peaches as you like.好きなだけ桃を取りなさい。
I will return the book as soon as I can.できるだけすぐに本を返します。
I am not as busy as Yoshio.私は吉雄ほど忙しくない。
I will try as hard as I can.私はできるだけ一生懸命やっているつもりだ。
Meg is as tall as Ken.メグは、ケンと同じぐらい背が高い。
His room is twice as large as mine.彼の部屋は私の部屋の倍の広さだ。
I like volleyball as well as basketball.私はバスケットボールと同様に、バレーボールが好きです。
I kept as quiet as possible.私は出来るだけ静かにしていた。
You can stay as long as you like.好きなだけ滞在して下さい。
Is that as heavy as this?あれはこれと同じくらい重いですか。
John is as old as my brother.ジョンは私の弟と同じ年です。
I'll get in touch with you as soon as I return from America.アメリカから帰ったらすぐにあなたに連絡します。
He ran as fast as he could.彼は一生懸命走った。
He is as tall as my brother.彼は私の兄と同じくらいの背の高さです。
You can stay as long as you like.好きなだけいてください。
Tom became popular among teenagers as soon as he made his debut on the screen.トムは映画界にデビューするとすぐに10代の若者の間で人気が出た。
He ran as fast as he could.彼は全速で駆けた。
A boy of seventeen is often as tall as his father.17歳の男の子は、父親と同じくらいの背のあるものが多い。
I study math as hard as English.私は数学を英語と同じだけ熱心に勉強する。
I'll come as often as possible.私はできるだけしばしばまいります。
He is as talkative as ever.彼は相変わらずおしゃべりだ。
I don't get up as early as my mother.私は母ほど早く起きません。
He runs as fast as you.彼は君と同じくらい速く走る。
Take as many cookies as you want.ほしいだけクッキーを取りなさい。
I am about as big as my father now.私は今では、父と同じくらい大きい。
I will try to avoid tunnels as much as possible.私は出来るだけトンネルを避けるようにします。
Eat as much as you like.食べたいだけ食べなさい。
He is as timid as a mouse.彼はネズミのように臆病だ。
I rode with her as far as the station.駅までは、私は、彼女と一緒に車でいった。
I will make up for the lost time by studying as hard as I can.出来るだけ一生懸命勉強することによって失った時間を取り返します。
He ran as fast as he could.彼はできるだけ速く走った。
Come as soon as you can.出来るだけ早く来て。
He ran as fast as he could.彼はできるだけ速く走った。
My room is twice as large as yours.私の部屋はあなたの部屋の二倍の大きさだ。
Kumiko runs as fast as Tom.クミコはトムと同じくらい速く走ります。
Let's leave as soon as he arrives.彼が着いたらすぐに出発しよう。
He ran away as soon as possible.彼はできるだけ、彼は早く逃げた。
He was as good as his word.実際約束を守った。
He is as tall as my father.彼は私の父と同じ位の身長です。
I will never forget your kindness as long as I live.私が生きている間はあなたのご親切は決して忘れません。
You may talk as much as you like.好きなだけ話してよろしい。
Kumiko is as tall as Tom.クミコはトムと同じくらい背が高い。
He is not as tall as his brother.彼は兄さんほど背が高くない。
You can stay as long as you like.好きなだけいていいですよ。
I've got as much money as he has.私は彼と同じくらいお金を持っている。
I am as happy as a clam.私、とっても幸せです。
I do not play tennis as much as I used to.私は今は以前ほどテニスをしない。
I will help as much as I can.できるだけお助けします。
I recognized her as soon as I saw her.私は彼女に会ったとたん誰だか分かった。
He teaches mathematics as well as English.彼は英語と同様数学も教えます。
I'll phone you as soon as I get to the airport.空港に着き次第、電話します。
I like volleyball as well as basketball.私はバレーボールもバスケットボールも好きです。
We will leave as soon as he comes.彼が来たらすぐに我々は出発します。
Come as soon as possible.できるだけ早く来なさい。
I wish I were as young as you.私が君と同じように若ければなあ。
You should start as early as possible.できるだけ早く出発したほうがよい。
He is as tall as my father.彼は私の父と同じぐらい背が高い。
We went as far as Kyoto.我々は京都まで行った。
Let's leave as soon as he gets back.彼が帰って来たらすぐに出発しましょう。
I love music as well as sports.スポーツだけでなく、音楽も好きだ。
My hair is as long as Jane's.私の髪はジェーンと同じ長さだ。
He is as old as my father.彼は私の父と同い年です。
Ben is not as young as he looks.ベンは見かけほど若くない。
I'll never forget him as long as I live.私が生きている間は彼のことを決して忘れません。
He ran as fast as he could.彼はできる限り早くはしりました。
Mexico has half as many people as Japan.メキシコの人口は日本の人口の半分だ。
I'm not as rich as I was.以前ほど金持ちではない。
He has experience as well as knowledge.彼は知識ばかりでなく経験もある。
He is as strong as ever.彼はあいかわらず丈夫だ。
Ken went as far as Aomori this summer.ケンは今年の夏青森まで行った。
Come downstairs as soon as possible.できるだけ早く降りてきなさい。
I will give you a call as soon as the decision comes through.結果が出次第お知らせします。
I could not catch as many fish as I had expected.思っていたほど魚は釣れなかった。
Please stay as long as you wish.どうぞごゆっくり。
Tom is as tall as Jim.トムとジムは身長が同じだ。
I have three times as much money as you.私はあなたの三倍のお金を持っている。
I'm as tall as my father.私は父と同じぐらい背が高い。
His car looks as good as new.彼の車は新車同然に見える。
They as well as you are ordinary people.あなた方ばかりでなく彼らも普通の人々だ。
You can go out and play as long as you stay in the yard.庭にいるのならそとであそんでもいいわよ。
I'll let you know the result as soon as it is made public.結果が公表され次第お知らせします。
I as well as my brother am to blame.私の兄だけでなく、私にも責任がある。
I'll never forget him as long as I live.私が生きている限り彼のことは決して忘れません。
My hair is as long as Jane's.私の髪はジェーンのと同じ長さだ。
He's almost as tall as me.彼はほとんど私と同じくらいの背丈になっていますよ。
I might as well drown as starve.餓死するくらいなら溺死したほうがましだ。
I'll try as hard as I can.できるだけがんばってやってみます。
Let me give you a lift as far as the station.駅まで乗せて行ってあげましょう。
I'm not as tall as you.私はあなたほど背が高くない。
Do it as soon as possible.出来るだけ早くそれをしなさい。
His daughter, as well as his son, was famous.彼の息子だけでなく娘も有名であった。
I'm not as healthy as I used to be.私は昔ほど健康ではない。
He is not as tall as his brother.彼はお兄さんほど背が高くない。
Nancy went to London as well as Paris.ナンシーはパリばかりでなくロンドンへも行った。
I have ten times as many books as you have.私はあなたの10倍の本を持っている。
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