Example English - Japanese sentences tagged with 'delete'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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He came to Jesus at night and said...この人が、夜、イエスのもとに来ていった。
Perhaps not.多分、だめだったろう。
As you know.ご存じの通り。
After completing his examination the doctor lifted his head up and said:一通りの診察を終えると、医者は頭を上げてこう言った。
She obviously thought she was a good woman, but...自分じゃいい女だと思っていたけど。
This may sound like blowing my own horn, but ...自画自賛のようですが。
Another lonely day.今日もまた寂しい一日が過ぎる。
During lunch in the hotel dining room, the girl named Stella collapsed, and when Dr. Stewart examined the body he said...ホテルの食堂でランチの最中に、ステラという若い女性がばったり倒れ、医師のスチュワートがそのからだを調べて言うことには・・・。
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