Example English - Japanese sentences tagged with 'simile'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod.その双子はさやの中の2つのえんどう豆のように似ている。
He has a reputation as being straight as an arrow. He'd never get involved in corruption.清廉潔白できこえた彼が、汚職なんかに手を染めるわけない。
This is as heavy as lead.これは鉛のように重い。
Superman flies as fast as a rocket.スーパーマンはロケットと同じくらいに速く飛ぶ。
I am as happy as a clam.私、とっても幸せです。
He ran like a scared rabbit.彼は脱兎のごとく逃げた。
John is as lean as a wolf.ジョンはオオカミのようにやせている。
He is always as busy as a bee.彼はいつもとても忙しくしている。
The sky became as dark as if the sun had sunk.まるで太陽が沈んでしまったかのように空は暗くなった。
Its surface was as flat as a mirror.その表面は鏡のように平らだった。
He finished it as quick as lightning.彼はそれを電光石火の早さで仕上げた。
He is able to swim like a fish.彼は魚のように泳ぐことができる。
Giving advice to him is like talking to a brick wall.彼に忠告したところで、馬の耳に念仏だよ。
The root of a flower is as weak as a baby's finger.草花の根は赤ん坊の指のように弱い。
You are as white as a sheet.君は顔色がまっ青だよ。
You are as white as a sheet.君、顔面蒼白だよ。
The baby sleeping in the baby carriage is as cute as an angel.乳母車で眠っている赤ちゃんは天使のようにかわいい。
You're certainly looking fit as a fiddle today.今日はとても元気そうだね。
Susan eats like a bird and leaves most of the food on her plate.スーザンは何も食べないで、お皿の上はほとんど残っているよ。
I'm as hungry as a bear.とてもお腹が空いているの。
He is as timid as a mouse.彼はネズミのように臆病だ。
I'll be as quiet as a mouse.できるだけ静かにしますので。
My father is as bald as a billiard ball.私の父はビリヤードの玉のように頭がつるつるだ。
It's as lovely as a rose.バラのように美しい。
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