Ultra Handy Kanji Tester - Grade 6

Test your knowledge of the Kanji characters that Japanese children learn in grade 6 of elementary school
Random monster

For each of the following 10 randomly selected Grade 6 Kanji, select the correct English meanings from the multiple choice answers.

Handy hint Many Kanji are derived from pictures of the things which they represent. Allegedly.

 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side
  stern, strictness, severity, rigidity
  treasure, wealth, valuables
  wound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  uncommon, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual
  grope, search, look for
  lineage, system
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  mail, stagecoach stop
  signature, govt office, police station
  chastise, attack, defeat, destroy, conquer
  dangerous, fear, uneasy
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  awe, respect, honor, revere
  sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity
  the following, next
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  bosom, breast, chest, heart, feelings
  faction, group, party, clique, sect, school
  needle, pin, staple, stinger
  drama, play
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  broaden, extend, expand, enlarge
  brain, memory
  argument, discourse
  scroll, volume, book, part, roll up, wind up, tie, coil, counter for texts (or book scrolls)
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  timber trees, wood
  empress, queen, after, behind, back, later
  translate, reason, circumstance, case
  imitation, copy, mock
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  pain, hurt, damage, bruise
  entrails, viscera, bowels
  shaku, Japanese foot, measure, scale, rule
  grade, steps, stairs
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  stern, strictness, severity, rigidity
  nightfall, night
  wound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point
  back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side
 Japanese KanjiSelect English Meaning
  tailor, judge, decision, cut out (pattern)
  lineage, system
  uncommon, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual

The Kanji Data used in these tests is provided courtesy of a download from the KANJIDIC/KANJD212 Project - thanks dudes! The grade levels are as specified by the Japanese Ministry of Education for kanji that are to be taught in elementary school (according to the notes on the Kanjidic website)