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Example sentences including '仄'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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It was as gloomy inside the mansion as the sunlight was dazzling outside.外の陽光が眩い分、屋敷の中は仄暗い。
Rhyme and meter form the essential rules of Chinese poetry.脚韻と平仄が漢詩の基本的ルールとなっています。
Another tendency of many Japanese that bothers foreigners is to make statements that are too general and too broad by using or implying words like "all" and "every".外国人を悩ますもう一つの、多くの日本人のもつ傾向は、「すべての」「あらゆる」というような言葉を使ったり、仄めかしたりして、あまりにも一般的であり、あまりにも広がりのある表現をする点にある。
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