The Ultra Handy Japanese and English Example Sentence Finder
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Example sentences including '倒す'
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These sentences are mainly from the
Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project.
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We have no more right to say a rude thing to another than to knock him down.
Don't put the cart before the horse.
I'm about to kill the big boss.
We have no more right to say a rude thing to another than to knock him down.
The woodcutter fells a tree with an ax.
This old building isn't worth fixing up. It would be better to tear it down.
The rebel concealed his ambition to destroy the regime.
Are you going to cut down all the trees here?
Iaido, it is a form of swordsmanship that strikes down an attacking opponent with one blow of the sword quickly drawn out of its sheath, whether one is sitting or walking.