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Example sentences including '儲ける'
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These sentences are mainly from the
Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project.
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| A penny saved is a penny earned. | 儲ける考えより使わぬ考え。 | |
| Make a handsome profit of one thousand dollars. | たんまり千ドル儲ける。 | |
| I think he makes money by selling fish. | 彼は魚を売ってお金を儲けるでしょう。 | |
| They did everything in order to make money. | 彼らは金を儲けるために何でもやった。 | |
| I would rather be poor than make money by dishonest means. | 私は不正な手段で金を儲けるよりも貧乏している方がよい。 | |