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Example sentences including '凄'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Amsterdam is amazing!アムステルダムが凄いだよ。
I found my boyfriend's favorite Beatles song playing from a music box. I'll be so happy to give it to him.彼氏が好きなビートルズの曲のオルゴールを見つけた。プレゼントしたら凄く喜んでくれた。
Tom was very lucky.トムは運が凄く良かった。
I hope I am very efficient.私は自分が凄く有能だと思う。
It's a very good company! The president is a real go-getter and the workers all put in their best.とってもいい会社ですよ。社長は凄腕だし、社員はみんな一生懸命だよ。
Amazing! This moving a story is a first for me! It's truly an epic among epics!凄いです!こんな感動的な話は初めてです!まさに美談の中の美談です!
That's amazing!そいつは凄い!
I'm sure you're thinking to yourself, 'Why is this guy making such a big deal of this?' But make no mistake. This is essential.なんでそんな当たり前のことをいうのかと思うでしょう?でもこれって凄く大事なことだよ。
I found this film very exciting.この映画は凄くエキサイティングだった。
A great light was diffused over the baseball stadium.凄い明かりが野球場にあたっていた。
Among my cousins, you know, there's a girl with the most enormous breasts.従姉妹にはね、もの凄いボインボインな子がいるんだよ?
It's incredible!そいつは凄い!
Uh, now it's really weird...ああ、凄く変だなあ・・・。
It's very dangerous.もの凄く危険だ。
Women - why do they want to go to toilet in groups? I don't get it at all.女ってどうして連れションしたがるの?物凄く理解不能。
Haru's always been like that; he's very kind at heart.ハルくんは昔からこうなの、心根は凄く優しいのよ。
I'm still very tired.わたしはまだ凄く疲れている。
That's awesome, right?それって凄いこと?
It's extremely dangerous.もの凄く危険だ。
Amazing! That your mother speaks 6 languages.それは凄いね!君のお母さん6ヶ国も話すなんて。
It's really dangerous.もの凄く危険だ。
It's awfully dangerous.もの凄く危険だ。
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