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Example sentences including '塗る'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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He had his sister help him paint the wall of his room.彼は姉に彼の部屋の壁を塗るのを手伝ってもらった。
He had his younger sister help him paint the wall of his room.彼は妹に部屋の壁を塗るのを手伝ってもらった。
This house needs painting.この家はペンキを塗る必要がある。
You should take advantage of the good weather to paint the fence.晴天を利用してフェンスにペンキを塗るほうがいいよ。
Tom will paint the fence tomorrow.トムが明日フェンスのペンキを塗るでしょう。
This gate needs painting.この門にはペンキを塗る必要がある。
I like to spread honey on my toast in the morning.私は朝、トーストに蜂蜜を塗るのが好きです。
We're going to paint the wall.壁を塗るつもりです。
We'll paint it.ペンキを塗るからいいわ。
If I were you, I would paint it blue.もし、私があなたなら、それを青く塗るだろう。
The landlord won't permit him to paint the door red.家主は彼がドアを赤く塗ることを許してくれない。
I didn't need to paint the fence.へいにペンキを塗る必要はなかった。
Cut that out. You're just rubbing salt in the poor guy's wounds.もうやめろよ。これ以上傷口に塩を塗るようなことは可哀想だ。
I needn't have painted the fence.へいにペンキを塗る必要はなかったのだが。
I like lots of butter on my toast in the morning.私は朝、トーストにバターをたっぷり塗るのが好きです。
We should lay on a second coat of paint for better protection against the weather.雨露を十分しのげるように、ペンキを二回塗るべきだ。
That house cried for a coat of paint.あの家はペンキを塗る必要があった。
That news will besmirch his reputation for honesty.その知らせは彼の誠実さに泥を塗る事になろう。
I thought Tom would want butter on his toast.トムはトーストにはバターを塗るのだと思っていました。
He got his sister to help him paint his room.彼は姉に部屋にペンキを塗るのを手伝ってもらった。
He had his sister help him paint the wall of his room.彼は妹に部屋の壁を塗るのを手伝ってもらった。
White paint will brighten the room.白ペンキを塗ると部屋が明るくなるでしょう。
He had his older sister help him paint the wall of his room.彼は姉に彼の部屋の壁を塗るのを手伝ってもらった。
I like to spread my toast thinly with jam.私はトーストにジャムを薄く塗るのが好きです。
In the morning, I like to put honey on my toast.私は朝、トーストに蜂蜜を塗るのが好きです。
I was helped by my father to paint the kennel.私が犬小屋にペンキを塗るのを、父が手伝ってくれた。
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