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Example sentences including '於'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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I have one of my friends who graduated from university and became a fine public servant. Once he told me that what he had learned from school had been useless. However, what little philosophy he had learned proved to be of great benefit.私の友人に大学を卒業して立派な官吏となっておる者がある。ある時この人が私に曰うに、僕は学校に於て教ったことは何も役に立たなかった、しかし少しばかり学んだ哲学が僕に非常な利益を与えたと。
If your ability to accomplish a job does not exceed the peak (hump), on the difficulty scale for one job (project), then no matter how long you wait it will not be solved.一つの仕事(プロジェクト)に於いて困難性の尺度で、仕事の遂行能力が、その頂上(ハンプ)を越えない場合は、何時まで待っても解決しない。
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