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| Last year, there were more births than deaths. | 昨年は死者数より出生数が多かった。 | |
| I was on the air for two hours yesterday. | 昨日私は放送が二時間合った。 | |
| A fire broke out in my neighborhood last night. | 昨晩、近所で火事があった。 | |
| I did not sleep well last night. | 私は昨夜よく眠れなかった。 | |
| Did that accident really happen last year? | その事故は本当に昨年起こったのですか。 | |
| The bananas you brought to me last night were all bad. | 昨日の夜持ってきてくれたバナナ、全部傷んでいたよ。 | |
| She left Tokyo for New York yesterday. | 彼女は昨日東京を発ってニューヨークへ向かった。 | |
| Last night, he studied all night long. | 彼は昨日一晩中勉強しました。 | |
| I was watching TV at this time yesterday. | 昨日の今頃は、テレビを見ていた。 | |
| I did not read a book yesterday. | 私は昨日、本を読みませんでした。 | |
| I called at his house yesterday. | 昨日彼の家を訪れた。 | |
| I went to school yesterday. | 私は昨日学校に行きました。 | |
| The hospital took him in yesterday. | 彼は昨日入院した。 | |
| She is, if anything, a little better today than yesterday. | 彼女はどちらかと言えば、今日は昨日より少しは快方に向かっている。 | |
| She had a pleasant dream last night. | 昨夜彼女はよい夢をみた。 | |
| The goods arrived yesterday. | 品物は昨日入荷しました。 | |
| He dropped in on me yesterday. | 昨日彼がぶらっと立ち寄った。 | |
| I was obliged to go out yesterday. | 私は昨日やむをえず外出せざるをえなかった。 | |
| Put on your thinking cap and try to remember whose house you slept at last night. | よく考えて、昨晩だれの家にとまったか、思い出すようにしなさい。 | |
| Did you watch TV last night? | 昨夜あなたはテレビを見ましたか。 | |
| She stayed at home all day long yesterday. | 昨日彼女は一日中家にいました。 | |
| I was late for school yesterday. | 私は昨日学校に遅れました。 | |
| Since I hadn't seen Martha for several months, I went to visit her yesterday. | 私はマーサーと何ヶ月も会っていなかったので、昨日会いに行った。 | |
| The rain kept the baseball team idle yesterday. | 雨のせいでその野球のチームは昨日試合がなかった。 | |
| He read this book yesterday. | 彼は昨日この本を読んだ。 | |
| I wish I had gone with the others to the game yesterday. | 昨日他の人たちと一緒にその試合に行っていたらなあ。 | |
| We celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary yesterday. | 昨日私たちは結婚10周年のお祝いをした。 | |
| I was watching TV at this time yesterday. | 私は昨日の今ごろテレビを見ていた。 | |
| Not until yesterday did I know about it. | 昨日になってはじめて私はそのことを知った。 | |
| I played soccer yesterday. | 私は、昨日サッカーをしました。 | |
| The poll was taken yesterday. | 投票は昨日行われた。 | |
| He read a most interesting novel yesterday. | 彼は昨日非常に面白い小説を読んだ。 | |
| My brother has been sick since yesterday. | 私の弟は昨日からずっと病気です。 | |
| I bought a pig in a poke yesterday. | 昨日は無分別に買い物をしてしまった。 | |
| I had a sharp pain in my chest yesterday. | 昨日、胸にするどい痛みをおぼえた。 | |
| What did you say yesterday? | 昨日何を言ったの。 | |
| A lot of buildings collapsed in Japan due to the earthquake yesterday. | 昨日、日本では地震が原因で多くの建物が倒壊しました。 | |
| The company's exports to India amounted to $100 million last year. | 同社の昨年の対インド輸出は1億ドルに達した。 | |
| We had a great evening yesterday with my brothers and my friends, and the barbecue was very good, too. | 私たちは昨日兄弟や友達と素敵な夜を過ごしたが、バーベキューも本当によかった。 | |
| What were you doing about this time yesterday? | 昨日のこの時間は何してた? | |
| What was it that Mary bought yesterday? | 昨日メアリーが買ったのは何ですか。 | |
| I remember posting your letter yesterday. | 昨日あなたの手紙をポストに入れたことを覚えています。 | |
| Ken visited his teacher yesterday. | ケンは昨日、先生を訪問した。 | |
| We had an examination in English yesterday. | 昨日英語の試験があった。 | |
| Whom did you visit yesterday afternoon? | 昨日の午後誰を訪ねましたか。 | |
| Last night I had a weird dream. | 私は昨夜不思議な夢を見ました。 | |
| My little sister has been suffering with a toothache since last night. | 私の妹は、昨晩からずっと歯痛で苦しんでいます。 | |
| Having finished the work yesterday, I am free today. | 私は昨日仕事を済ませてしまったので今日は暇だ。 | |
| Last year, he spent three months at sea. | 昨年かれは航海で三ヶ月をすごした。 | |
| I had a fight with my older brother yesterday. | 昨日、兄貴とケンカした。 | |
| There was a heavy rain last night. | 昨夜は大雨だった。 | |
| He was working at the office yesterday evening. | 彼は昨夜オフィスで働いていました。 | |
| They left there the day before yesterday. | 一昨日、彼らはそこを出発した。 | |
| We missed you very much at the party yesterday. | 昨日のパーティーにくればよかったのに。 | |
| We were supposed to help Tom yesterday afternoon. | 私たちは昨日の午後トムを手伝うはずだった。 | |
| We called on him last night. | 私達は昨夜彼をたずねた。 | |
| We saw them last night. | 昨夜、彼らを見かけました。 | |
| I don't know what went on last night, but they're not speaking to each other this morning. | 昨晩何があったのか知らないが、あの二人は今朝お互いに口もきかないよ。 | |
| Jeff lost yesterday's match, but I'm sure he is a promising tennis player. | ジェフは昨日の試合に負けましたが、彼はきっと前途有望なテニス選手です。 | |
| Ozawa had not eaten anything since morning, or rather since the previous night. | 小沢は朝から――というより、昨夜から何も食べていなかった。 | |
| He made a will last year. | 彼は昨年遺書を書いた。 | |
| Yesterday I heard a beautiful song. | 私は昨日綺麗な歌を聴きました。 | |
| How many people came to the zoo yesterday? | 昨日は何人が動物園へ来ましたか。 | |
| If only she had been home when I called yesterday! | 昨日電話したとき、彼女が家にいてくれていたらな。 | |
| I read the book up to page 80 yesterday. | 昨日はその本を80ページまで読んだ。 | |
| What happened to you yesterday? | 昨日何があったのですか。 | |
| Have you had a thorough medical checkup within the last year? | 昨年のうちに、徹底的な健康診断をしてもらいましたか。 | |
| President Bush gave an important address on TV and the radio yesterday. | ブッシュ大統領は昨日テレビとラジオで重大な発表を行った。 | |
| I was in trouble with the police last night. | 私は昨晩警察といざこざを起こした。 | |
| I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. | 私は昨日東京に到着した。 | |
| I spent all yesterday afternoon cleaning my room. | 昨日の午後はずっと、私の部屋を掃除するのに費やした。 | |
| I got my wallet stolen in the train yesterday. | 昨日電車で財布を盗られた。 | |
| It snowed yesterday. | 昨日は雪だった。 | |
| I went to a sale with my mother yesterday and kept hounding her to buy me a dress. | 昨日、母とセールに出かけて、服をおねだりした。 | |
| This is the pen that I lost yesterday. | これは、私が昨日なくしたペンです。 | |
| My brother died of cancer last year. | 兄は昨年癌で死にました。 | |
| Thank you very much for the wonderful dinner last night. | 昨日は素晴らしい夕食にご招待してもらって、ありがとう。 | |
| My bike was stolen yesterday. | 昨日私は自転車を盗まれた。 | |
| The dream of yesterday is the hope of today. | 昨日の夢は今日の希望。 | |
| The temperature fell five degrees centigrade below zero yesterday. | 昨日は気温が零下5度に下がった。 | |
| Since the road is wet this morning, it must have rained last night. | 今朝は道路がぬれているから、昨夜雨が降ったにちがいない。 | |
| They made a great tumult last night. | 彼らは昨夜大騒ぎをした。 | |
| I worked hard all day long yesterday. | 昨日は一日中忙しく働いた。 | |
| My sister belonged to the basketball club last year. | 私の妹は昨年バスケット部に入っていた。 | |
| Last night, his grandfather passed away in the hospital. | 昨夜彼のおじいさんが病院で亡くなった。 | |
| Did she write in her diary yesterday? | 彼女は昨日、日記を書きましたか。 | |
| Were you playing tennis yesterday morning? | 昨日の朝、あなたはテニスをしていましたか。 | |
| This is the watch I bought yesterday. | これは私が昨日買った時計です。 | |
| An old friend of mine visited yesterday. | 昨日私の旧友が訪ねてきた。 | |
| Show me the doll that you bought yesterday. | 君が昨日買った人形を見せてください。 | |
| I happened to run into my teacher at a restaurant last night. | 私は昨晩レストランで偶然先生に会った。 | |
| You should have seen that movie last night. | あなたは昨晩あの映画を見るべきだったのに。 | |
| He sat up late last night working on the documents. | 彼は昨夜その文書を調べながら夜更かしした。 | |
| I talked with him over the telephone yesterday. | 昨日私は彼と電話で話した。 | |
| I ran into him unexpectedly at the airport yesterday. | 僕は昨日空港で偶然彼に会った。 | |
| Noted literary personalities gathered together last evening. | 知名の文士たちの集まりが昨夜あった。 | |
| If only I had known the answer yesterday! | 昨日その答えを知ってさえいたらなあ。 | |
| Did you see yesterday's total lunar eclipse? | 昨日の皆既月食見た? | |
| The weather was miserable yesterday. | 昨日はなんともひどい天気だった。 | |
| Are those the people you saw yesterday? | あの人たちが昨日あなたが会った方々ですか。 | |