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| In C language, There are two ways to pass parameters to a function: to pass by value and to pass by reference. | C言語では、関数にパラメータを渡す方法が二つある:変数によるものと参照によるもの。 | |
| He asked me to pass him the salt. | 彼は塩を彼に渡すように私に頼んだ。 | |
| The hill on which my house stands commands a full view of the city. | 私の家がある丘は市の全景を見渡すことができる。 | |
| There was nothing but the blue sea as far as the eye could reach. | 見渡す限り青い海しかなかった。 | |
| He that marries for wealth sells his liberty. | 財産目当てに結婚するものは自由を売り渡すものである。 | |
| There were green fields as far as the eye could reach. | 見渡す限り緑の野原が広がっていた。 | |
| I met Roy, who asked me to give you this one. | ぼくはロイに会ったら、これをきみに渡すように頼まれた。 | |
| As far as I could see, everything was covered with snow. | 見渡すかぎり、すべては雪におおわれていた。 | |
| Tom forced Mary to give him the money. | トムはそのお金を自分に渡すようメアリーに強要した。 | |
| Looking around the boat was already quite far out in the open sea. | 見渡すと、既に船はかなり沖の方にいた。 | |
| Not to be taken lightly, local amusement parks. Couples, families, as far as can be seen people, people, people. | 侮り難いぜ、地元の遊園地。カップルやら家族やら・・・見渡す限り人、人、人。 | |
| There was nothing but forest as far as the eye could see. | 見渡す限り、森であった。 | |
| Everything was covered with snow as far as the eye could see. | 見渡す限り一面の雪景色だった。 | |
| As far as the eye can reach, nothing is to be seen but sand. | 見渡す限り、砂以外何も見えない。 | |
| As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand. | 見渡すかぎり砂のほかには何も見えなかった。 | |
| We finally decided to give him over to the police. | 最終的に我々は彼を警察に引き渡すことにした。 | |
| I have something to give you. | 君に渡す物がある。 | |
| As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand. | 見渡す限り砂以外何も見えなかった。 | |
| This castle overlooks the city. | この城から町を見渡すことができる。 | |
| The spacious plain spread as far as the eye can see, dotted with groves here and there. | 見渡す限り広々とした草原で、ところどころに小さな森があった。 | |
| There was nothing but the ocean as far as the eye could see. | 見渡す限り海だった。 | |
| The ground was covered with snow, as far as the eye could see. | 見渡す限り地面は雪で覆われていた。 | |
| As far as the eye could see, nothing could be seen except cornfields. | 見渡す限り、トウモロコシ畑以外何も見えなかった。 | |
| I intended to hand the paper to him, but I forgot to. | 彼に書類を手渡すつもりであったが、忘れてしまった。 | |
| When Mr Jones gets old, he will hand over his business to his son. | ジョーンズ氏は年をとったら事業を息子に譲り渡すつもりだ。 | |
| She called him back to give him something he had left behind. | 彼女は忘れ物を渡すために彼を呼び戻した。 | |
| The field was white as far as the eye could see. | 見渡す限り、野原は真っ白だった。 | |
| I had intended to hand the document to him, but I forgot to. | 彼に書類を手渡すつもりであったが、忘れてしまった。 | |
| The city, as far as the eye could see, lay in ruins. | 町は見渡す限りの焼け野原であった。 | |
| The police demanded that the criminal hand over the gun to them. | 警察は犯人に銃を手渡すように要求した。 | |
| She called him back to give him something left behind. | 彼女は忘れ物を渡すために彼を呼び戻した。 | |
| If a porter carries your luggage, don't forget to tip him. | ポーターに荷物を運んでもらったら、チップを渡すのを忘れちゃだめだよ。 | |
| There was nothing but water as far as the eye could see. | 見渡す限り水以外何もなかった。 | |
| I'll give you a ring in the evening. | 私は夕方君に指輪を渡すつもりだ。 | |
| As far as the eye could reach, there was no sign of life. | 見渡す限り人っ子一人見えなかった。 | |
| Do not hand over more money than is necessary to a child. | 必要以上のお金を子供に渡すな。 | |
| Everywhere you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake. | 見渡す限り、地震による被害を目の当たりにすることができる。 | |
| I give my mother fifty thousand yen on payday every month. | 私は毎月給料日に母に5万円渡す。 | |
| There was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see. | 見渡す限り砂ばかりだった。 | |