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Example sentences including '熟す'
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These sentences are mainly from the
Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project.
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| Cherries are ripe in June or July. | さくらんぼは六月か七月に熟す。 | |
| She watched the gardens grow, and she watched the apples turn red and ripen. | 彼女は畑の作物が育ち、りんごの実が赤く熟すのをみました。 | |
| The apples will be ripe soon. | これらのりんごはもうすぐ熟すだろう。 | |
| A monkey is mature at a few years old. | サルは2、3歳で成熟する。 | |
| Men get their growth before they are thirty. | 人の体は三十前に成熟する。 | |