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Example sentences including '瓜'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Those two are exactly alike.あの二人は全く瓜二つだね。
Those twins look like two peas in a pod.あの双子は瓜二つだ。
They were really cut from the same cloth.本当に瓜二つだわ。
My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches.私の娘はサクランボや西瓜や桃のような夏の果物が好きだ。
I love the taste of watermelon.私は西瓜が好きです。
Let's eat a watermelon!西瓜を食べましょう!
You don't get eggplants from a gourd vine.瓜のつるに茄子はならぬ。
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