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Example sentences including '目立つ'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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Red shows up well against a white background.赤は白をバックにするとよく目立つ。
Depression is a period marked by slackening of business activity, widespread unemployment, falling prices, and wages, etc.不況とは経済活動の低下、失業の広がり、物価や賃金などの下落が目立つ時期のことである。
Her striped dress accentuates her slimness.縞柄の服で彼女のほっそりした姿が目立つ。
The scar on his forehead is conspicuous.彼の額の傷痕は目立つ。
Bamboo stands out in the woods.林に竹が目立つ。
His white house is the most prominent one on the street.彼の真っ白な家はそのとおりで最も目立つ家だ。
The scar on his forehead is conspicuous.彼の額の傷は目立つ。
She always wears striking clothes.彼女はいつも目立つ服装をする。
Tom is so intelligent that he stands out in class.トムはとても頭がいいので授業で目立つ。
The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out.各色間の調和に欠けているのでこの絵は目立つ。
These two scratches stand out so I'd like them repaired.この2箇所の傷は目立つので直して欲しいです。
However, the general crime number has not decreased though the juvenile delinquency stands out.少年犯罪が目立つが、だからといって一般犯罪件数が減少したわけではない。
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