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Text to speech functionality by Responsive Voice
| Best of luck in your tournament. | 勝ち抜いていけるよう幸運を祈るよ。 | |
| Good luck! | 幸運を祈るよ。 | |
| He prays several times a day. | 彼は日に何度か祈る。 | |
| I wish for your success. | 成功を祈るわ。 | |
| There are those, who, in distress, seek the help of other people's prayers, but have no mind to pray for themselves. | 一部の人はひどい目に遭ったとき、他人に祈りを求めるのに自分は祈ることを忘れてしまう。 | |
| On Children's Day, traditionally a holiday where people pray for the growth of boys, armor is displayed at home | こどもの日と呼ばれる、男の子の成長を祈る伝統の祝日には、よろいが家に飾られます。 | |
| I hope you have a successful performance. | 成功を祈るわ。 | |
| Break a leg. | 成功を祈るわ。 | |
| I've heard it said that English is for making money, French for making love, and Spanish for praying to God. | 私の聞いたところによれば、英語は金を稼ぐために、フランス語は愛を交わすために、スペイン語は神に祈るために必要だという。 | |
| I pray for your success. | 成功を祈るわ。 | |