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| His effort will bear fruit. | 彼の努力は実を結ぶだろう。 | |
| This author doesn't understand at all why a man and a woman who can't become lovers would become friends. | お互に恋愛のできないような男女が、なんの必要から友情関係を結ぶのか、筆者にはさっぱりわからんのである。 | |
| He argued for our forming the alliance with that nation. | 彼は我が国がその国と同盟を結ぶのに賛成すべきだと論じた。 | |
| Our efforts will soon bear fruit. | わたしたちの努力はまもなく実を結ぶだろう。 | |
| This author doesn't understand at all what need would a man and a woman who can't be involved in a romantic relationship have of becoming friends. | お互に恋愛のできないやうな男女が、なんの必要から友情関係を結ぶのか、筆者にはさつぱりわからんのである。 | |
| They are planning to connect the cities with a railroad. | 彼らは都市を鉄道で結ぶことを計画中だ。 | |
| Our efforts will soon bear fruit. | 私たちの努力はまもなく実を結ぶ。 | |
| Your research will surely bear fruit. | あなたの研究はきっと実を結ぶでしょう。 | |
| Your efforts will bear fruit someday. | 君の努力はいつかは実を結ぶだろう。 | |
| Your study will bear fruit. | 君の研究は実を結ぶだろう。 | |
| Your effort will surely bear fruit. | 努力は必ず実を結ぶでしょう。 | |
| That child could barely manage to tie his shoes. | その子は靴のひもを結ぶのがやっとだった。 | |
| This author doesn't understand at all what need would a man and a woman who can't be involved in a romantic relationship have of becoming friends. | お互に恋愛のできないような男女が、なんの必要から友情関係を結ぶのか、筆者にはさっぱりわからんのである。 | |
| It bears fruit, but it seems it may even set root from cuttings? | 実も結ぶが、挿し木でも根付くらしい? | |
| This author doesn't understand at all why a man and a woman who can't become lovers would become friends. | お互に恋愛のできないやうな男女が、なんの必要から友情関係を結ぶのか、筆者にはさつぱりわからんのである。 | |
| This road connects Tokyo with Osaka. | この道路は東京と大阪を結ぶ。 | |
| The bridge between Denmark and Sweden is almost five miles long. | デンマークとスウェーデンを結ぶ橋の長さは約5マイルです。 | |