Click on the speaker icons to hear the Japanese spoken.
Text to speech functionality by Responsive Voice
| This wall feels cold. | この壁は触ると冷たい感じがする。 | |
| I gave you explicit instructions not to touch anything. | 私はあなたに何にも触るなとはっきりと指示しました。 | |
| Don't touch these. | 触るな! | |
| Hands off. | 触るな! | |
| It is soft to the touch. | それは触ると柔らかい。 | |
| Don't touch it. | 触るな! | |
| This machine is most dangerous; don't touch it. | この機械はとても危険だから触るな。 | |
| Though I have done nothing against them, they think ill of me. | 彼らの気に触ることは何もしてないのに、彼らは私のことを悪く思っている。 | |
| If you touch that wire, you will receive a shock. | その電線に触るとしびれるよ。 | |
| Don't touch it. | それに触るな。 | |
| He treated it with utmost care. | まるで腫れ物に触るように扱った。 | |
| Don't touch the wet paint. | 塗り立てのペンキに触るな。 | |