The Ultra Handy Japanese and English Example Sentence Finder
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Example sentences including '触れる'
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These sentences are mainly from the
Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project.
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We cannot touch on his private affairs.
It's like he has this special skill of hitting pressure points.
If you touch that wire, you'll get a shock.
She felt something touch her neck.
I felt something touch my foot.
Don't talk about it in my mother's presence.
I feel I was able to get back to nature on this trip.
On the other hand, there seem to be those among young folk who, while touching on Buddhism, have started to think of it as a vital spiritual support.
"By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is?" "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined."