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Example sentences including '辻'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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What is that song called that Mr. Tsuji was singing in the TV show?辻さんがドラマのなかで歌っていたフォークの歌は、何ていうのですか?
What's the name of the folk song that Mr. Tsugi sang in that TV drama?辻さんがドラマのなかで歌っていたフォークの歌は、何ていうのですか?
On a certain monday afternoon, a single horse carriage stopped in front of the hotel where I was staying.或る月曜日の午後、一台の辻馬車が、私の泊つてゐるホテルの前に駐まりました。
On a certain monday afternoon, a single horse carriage stopped in front of the hotel where I was staying.或る月曜日の午後、一台の辻馬車が、私の泊っているホテルの前に駐まりました。
Ozawa had been demobilized from overseas and had just arrived this night into his hometown, Osaka, but he had heard rumors on the train about bandits roaming in the postwar cities and suburbs.小沢は外地から復員して、今夜やっと故郷の大阪へ帰って来たばかしだが、終戦後の都会や近郊の辻強盗の噂は、汽車の中できいて知っていた。
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