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Example sentences including '間違う'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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He is so careless that he often makes mistakes.彼は非常に不注意なので、よく間違う。
Don't be afraid to make mistakes when speaking English.英語を話すときに間違う事を恐れてはいけません。
It's a very dangerous sport, where a slight mistake can lead to serious injury.少し間違うと大怪我につながる大変危険なスポーツです。
Don't be afraid of making mistakes.間違う事を恐れてはいけません。
You can't go wrong if you read the instructions carefully.指示を注意深く読めば、間違うことはありません。
Never mind. Anyone can make mistakes.気にするな。誰でも間違うことはあるんだから。
You won't make mistakes.間違うことはないだろう。
Work slowly, and you won't make mistakes.ゆっくり仕事をしなさい。そうすれば間違うことはない。
Anyone can make mistakes.誰でも間違う事はある。
It's better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.あわててやって間違うより、この仕事はゆっくり急がずにやるほうが良い。
You must not be afraid of making mistakes when learning a language.言語を学ぶ際に間違うことを恐れてはいけないのです。
He is such a careless boy that he makes mistakes very often.彼は非常に不注意なので、よく間違う。
Hearing you sing, people might take you for a girl.君が歌うのを聞けば人は君を少女と間違うかもしれない。
To hear him talk, you would take him for a foreigner.彼が話すのを聞けば、君は彼を外国人と間違うだろう。
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