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Example sentences including '頑張る'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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I'll try my best today, too.よし、今日も一日頑張るぞ!
Do you plan to continue working until 10:00?10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか?
Are you going to continue working until 10:00?10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか?
Are you going to work until 10:00?10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか?
Do you plan to work until 10:00?10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか?
It means trying hard, even if we make mistakes.それは、たとえ間違いをおかしたとしても、一生懸命に頑張るということです。
I'll do my best to have nothing left to do!やり残すことがないように頑張るぞ。
Come on, Shougo. You can do it.頑張るのよ省吾、あなたなら出来るわ。
He should have worked harder.あいつはもっと熱心に頑張るべきだったのに。
Are you going to carry on your work until ten?10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか?
I'll do my best to have no regrets.思い残すことがないように頑張るぞ。
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