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| I want you to somehow resolve the situation as promptly and avoiding to cause trouble for my sister and those around us as much as possible. | なるべく姉ちゃんにも周りにも迷惑をかけずに、事態の早期解決をなんとか頼むぞ。 | |
| I'll get in touch with Tom by telephone tomorrow and ask him to give us a hand. | 明日電話でトムに連絡して手伝ってくれるように頼むつもりだ。 | |
| The check, please. | 勘定を頼むよ。 | |
| There's no point in hiring a babysitter for the evening. | 晩にベビーシッターを頼む意味ねぇだろ! | |
| Give me the bill, please. | 勘定を頼むよ。 | |
| I'll rely on my father for half of my tuition. | 学費の半分は父に頼むつもりです。 | |
| I plan to get a hold of Tom by phone tomorrow and ask him to help. | 明日電話でトムに連絡して手伝ってくれるように頼むつもりだ。 | |
| I'm rather hesitant about asking him a favor. | あの人に頼むのはちょっと気が進まない。 | |
| Kennedy Airport, please. | ケネディ空港まで頼むよ。 | |
| I told you before that you should ask your mother first. | 私は以前君にまずお母さんに頼むべきだと言ったよ。 | |
| I'm a little hesitant about asking her for a favor. | あの人に頼むのはちょっと気が進まない。 | |
| I'll ask my grandfather to take me there during the next summer vacation. | 私は、次の夏休みにそこへ連れて行ってくれるように、祖父に頼むつもりです。 | |
| I have no intention of asking him. | 僕はあの人に頼む気持ちはありません。 | |
| Oh please, believe me. | ねぇ頼むから信じてくれよ。 | |
| I intend to phone Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. | 明日電話でトムに連絡して手伝ってくれるように頼むつもりだ。 | |
| I do not have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car. | 私には上司に車を貸してくれるように頼む勇気はない。 | |
| Our section chief always makes a face at me when I ask him for something. | うちの課長は私が何かを頼むといつも渋い顔をするんだ。 | |
| I'm begging you. | 頼むよー。 | |
| Take care of Mr. Tanaka for me! | 田中さんのことを頼むよ。 | |
| When I asked him to return the money, he pretended that he didn't hear me. | 私がお金を返すように頼むと、彼は聞こえないふりをします。 | |
| Do be quiet, please! | 頼むから静かにしてよ。 | |
| "Clean up in front of the shop first." "OK!" "Sprinkle some water out there too." | 「とりあえず店の前、掃除しといてくれ」「了解!」「打ち水も頼む」 | |
| I'm going to call Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. | 明日電話でトムに連絡して手伝ってくれるように頼むつもりだ。 | |
| I'm not about to ask him. | あの人に頼む気持ちはありません。 | |
| A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. | 八方美人頼むに足らず。 | |
| Drop me a line as soon as you get there. | 向こうへついたらすぐに一筆便りを頼む。 | |
| For God's sake tell me the truth. | 頼むから本当のこといってくれ。 | |
| I have no intention of asking him. | 彼に頼む気はありません。 | |
| When he goes out, he asks me to keep an eye on his house. | 彼は外出するとき、家に気をつけてくれと私に頼む。 | |
| Check, please. | 勘定書を頼むよ。 | |
| I have no intention of asking him. | 彼に頼むつもりはない。 | |
| You should have asked her for help. | 彼女に手伝ってくれるよう頼むべきだった。 | |
| I plan to contact Tom by phone tomorrow and ask him to help us. | 明日電話でトムに連絡して手伝ってくれるように頼むつもりだ。 | |
| I have no intention of asking him. | あの人に頼む気持ちはありません。 | |
| I'll ask Tom. | トムに頼むことにします。 | |
| Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? | どうして私に頼むの、自分でやればいいじゃない。 | |
| I'll leave my daughter's education to you, after I'm gone. | 私が死んだら娘の教育は君に頼む。 | |
| Put in a good word for me. | 言葉添えを頼む。 | |
| I hate those who always skip class and ask their friends to answer the roll call for them. | いつも授業をサボって友人に代返を頼むような人は嫌いです。 | |
| I'm not about to ask him. | 僕はあの人に頼む気持ちはありません。 | |
| Here is her letter asking us to take care of her only son. | ここに一人息子の世話を頼むという彼女の手紙がある。 | |
| I'm a little hesitant to ask a favor of that person. | あの人に頼むのはちょっと気が進まない。 | |
| Please don't cry any more. | 頼むからもう泣かないでくれ。 | |
| I plan to telephone Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. | 明日電話でトムに連絡して手伝ってくれるように頼むつもりだ。 | |
| You should have asked her for help. | 彼女に手伝ってくれるように頼むべきだったのに。 | |