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| Isn't it better to get drunk and cut loose once in a while and blow off the tension of daily frustration? | たまには酒にでも酔ってはじけて日頃の鬱憤晴らしたほうがいいんじゃないか。 | |
| We expected Takahashi to get drunk and say some weird stuff, but he ended up not drinking too much, so it wasn't interesting. | 高橋が酔っていろいろ変なことを言うのを期待してたんだけど、結局あんまり飲まずで面白くなかった。 | |
| You get drunk on just one centimeter? And Kensuke was such a heavy drinker. | たった一センチで酔っ払いますか!健介は酒豪だったと言うのに。 | |
| Let's get drunk today! | さあ今日はじゃんじゃん飲もうぜ! | |
| Maybe it's the low air pressure that means you get drunk more easily on planes. | 飛行機でお酒飲むと、気圧のせいか酔いやすい。 | |