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Example sentences including '嫁'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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I have three daughters to marry off.嫁にやらなくてはならない娘が3人いる。
He is father to the bride.彼が花嫁の父親です。
Every Jack must have his Jill.どんな男にもそれ相当の嫁のきてがあるもの。
He married his daughter to a lawyer.彼は娘を弁護士に嫁がせた。
"'Fox's wedding'." "Er ...?" "Today, with an 81 percent likelihood, it will be clear skies but, depending on location, there will be sun showers."「キツネの嫁入りですね」「は・・・?」「今日は81パーセントの確率で晴れますけど、ところによっては天気雨です」
The bride looked very beautiful.花嫁はたいへん美しく見えた。
Mr Smith married his daughter to a doctor.スミス氏は娘を医者に嫁がせた。
In all times and places many examples of poor relations between wives and mothers-in-law can be seen.古今東西、嫁と姑の仲は上手くいかぬ例が多いと見える。
She was all the more beautiful dressed in her wedding costume.花嫁姿の彼女は一段と美しかった。
The bride suddenly laughed.花嫁が突然笑った。
She is dressed like a bride.彼女は花嫁のような衣装を着ている。
John casts the blame on others.ジョンは責任を他人に転嫁する。
The bride's father showed up late for the wedding ceremony.花嫁の父は、おそくなって結婚式に顔を見せた。
Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a tempest and hailstorm.嫁と姑の中は大嵐。
My husband has two older brothers. (That's right, I'm a third-son's wife)私の夫には、兄が2人います。(そう、私は三男の嫁です)
She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.彼女は結婚式で花嫁の付き添い役をつとめた。
In the U.S., it is common to give a present, such as glasses or a coffee-maker, to the bride at weddings.アメリカでは杯やコーヒーメーカーを結婚式で花嫁にプレゼントすることがよくあります。
All at once the bride burst into laughter.花嫁が突然大笑いをした。
Pass the buck.責任を転嫁する。
The bride came into the room, with everyone staring at her.花嫁は皆の視線を浴びながら部屋に入ってきた。
The bride came into the room with lowered eyes and with everyone staring at her.花嫁は伏目がちに、満座の注目を浴びながら入場した。
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