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Example sentences including '妻'

Heads Up These sentences are mainly from the Tanaka Corpus and Tatoeaba project. Read more

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His wife died leaving behind their two beloved children.彼の妻は二人の愛の結晶を残して死んだ。
He reminded his wife to wake him up at 7:00 a.m.彼は妻に自分を午前7時に起こしてくれるように念を押した。
A man whose wife is dead is called a widower.妻が死んだ男の人は男やもめと呼ばれます。
He sat reading a magazine, with his wife knitting beside him.彼は座って雑誌を読み、彼の妻は彼のわきで編み物をしていた。
His wife nags him constantly.彼の妻は彼に一日中がみがみ言っている。
His wife liked inviting guests.彼の妻は客を招きたかった。
He echoes his wife in everything.彼はすべて妻の言いなりになっている。
Lightning can be dangerous.稲妻は危険なこともある。
The man has more bread than his wife.その男は、妻よりたくさんパンを持っている。
He has no wife, no children and no friends.彼は妻も子供も友達もいません。
My wife is possessed with the desire to buy a house.妻は家を買いたい欲求に取りつかれている。
I hurried to the station as I had kept my wife waiting.妻を待たせていたので私は駅へ急いだ。
My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and neither do I.私の妻は普通は夜にコーヒーを飲まないし、私も飲まない。
My wife talked me into buying a new car.妻は私を説き伏せて新車を買わせた。
Fred told his wife about the goals that he wanted to accomplish.フレッドは妻に彼が成し遂げなければならない目標について話した。
This is a snapshot of my wife on the beach.これは浜辺で撮った妻のスナップ写真です。
With his wife and children in the country, he was at loose ends for something to do.彼は妻子を田舎に残して、職を求めてぶらぶらしていた。
My wife used to stay home, but she works now.妻は以前は家にいましたが、今は働いています。
His income is larger than that of his wife.彼の収入は彼の妻の収入より多い。
I made a big mistake in choosing my wife.僕は妻を選ぶのに大変な間違いをした。
His wife begged him not to run any risk.彼の妻は彼に危険を冒さないでね、と懇願した。
She will make him a good wife.彼女は彼の良い妻になるだろう。
He bought that house because his wife took a fancy to it.彼は、妻が気に入ったので、その家を買った。
By the way, today is the 8th of June — my wife's birthday.ちなみに今日は6月8日、妻の誕生日です。
My wife gave me a sign from across the room.妻は部屋のむこう端から私に合図した。
My wife spends money as if I were the richest man in town.妻はまるで私が町一番のお金持ちであるかのようにお金を使う。
When we think of the traditional roles of men and women in society, we think of husbands supporting the family, and wives taking care of the house and children.社会における伝統的な男女の役割について思うとき、我々は夫が家族を支え妻が家と子供の面倒を見るものと考える。
The only time he feeds the dog is when his wife is away on a trip.彼が犬に餌をやるのは、妻が旅行に出かけているときだけだ。
My wife went on a two-day trip.妻は二日間の旅行に出かけた。
Many families now have two breadwinners with both husbands and wives working.今では多くの家庭が共稼ぎで、夫と妻の両方が働いている。
Jorgen loves his wife.ユルゲンは妻を愛している。
I do not think he will ever get over the loss of his wife.彼は妻の死から立ち直ることはできないだろう。
His wife was weighed down with various worries.彼の妻はさまざまな心配事に打ちひしがれていた。
He made the actress his wife.彼はその女優を妻にしました。
After getting married, my wife put on five pounds.妻は結婚後5ポンド体重が増えた。
The couple transformed chemistry into a modern science.夫妻は化学を近代科学へと一変させた。
He made her his wife.彼は彼女を妻にした。
Lightning normally accompanies thunder.雷には稲妻がつきものだ。
My wife keeps the household accounts.妻が家計簿をつけています。
His wife's misunderstanding about him did not go away.彼に対する妻の誤解は解けなかった。
My wife deliberated whether we would buy a new house or not.妻は新しい家を買うかどうかじっくりと検討した。
The big tree was struck by lightning.大きな木に稲妻が落ちた。
Mr. and Mrs. Smith are a good match.スミス夫妻は似合いの夫婦だ。
I think that why he killed his wife is a mystery.なぜ彼が妻を殺したのかは謎だと思う。
In our culture, a man is allowed to be married to only one wife at a time.我々の文化では、男は一度にひとりの妻としか結婚できない。
I had my wife die.私は妻に死なれた。
He asked his wife if she was coming with him.彼は妻に一緒にくるかどうかをたずねた。
My wife wanted to adopt a child.妻は養子をとりたかった。
My wife showed excellent taste in decorating the room.私の妻は部屋を飾るときに優れた美的感覚を発揮した。
Tom baked his wife a pumpkin pie.トムは妻にパンプキンパイを焼いてあげた。
I talked my wife out of buying a new car.妻を説得して新しい車を買うのをやめさせた。
My wife gave birth prematurely to a 1500-gram baby girl.妻が早産で1500グラムの女の子を授かった。
His wife opened the door for him.彼の妻は彼のためにドアを開けた。
My wife loves fish hors d'oeuvre, so it's easier for me to get a kitchen pass for my fishing.妻は魚のオードブルが好きだからね、釣りに出掛けるときはお許しが出やすいんだよね。
He broke his word, which made his wife angry.彼は約束を破った。そのことが彼の妻を怒らせた。
He who has a fair wife needs more than two eyes.美人の妻を持った者は目が二つでは足りない。
Tom lost his wife seven years ago.トムは7年前に妻を亡くした。
He entreated his wife not to leave him.彼は妻に別れないでくれと哀願した。
His wife being out, he cooked dinner for himself.妻が家を留守にしたので、彼は一人で夕食を作った。
He was accompanied by his wife.彼は妻を同伴していた。
He always quarrels with his wife.彼はいつも妻と口げんかをする。
I decided to wait at the station until my wife came.妻が来るまで駅で待とうと決心した。
My wife has just cleared the table.妻はちょうど食卓を片付けたところだ。
He drew a check for twenty thousand yen in favor of his wife.彼は自分の妻を受取人とする2万円の小切手を書いた。
I think the reason why he killed his wife is still a mystery.なぜ彼が妻を殺したのかは謎だと思う。
His wife ran a hot bath for him.妻は彼のためにお風呂を用意した。
He bought that house because his wife liked it.彼は、妻が気に入ったので、その家を購入した。
My wife is a poor driver.私の妻は運転が下手だ。
He felt great sorrow when his wife died.彼は妻が死んだとき大きな悲しみを感じた。
Lightning is usually followed by thunder.稲妻は普通、雷鳴の前に光る。
She is a friend of my wife's.彼女は私の妻の一友人だ。
My wife is a good manager.妻はやりくりが上手だ。
The Smiths had their house painted white.スミス夫妻は家を白色に塗ってもらってた。
To my side, my wife, who I'm presently at odds with, lies sleeping.横には喧嘩状態の妻が眠っている。
He was destined never to see his wife again.彼は二度と妻に会うことはなかった。
My wife took good care of this dog.私の妻はよくこの犬の世話をした。
"Gang Wives" is a Yakuza movie released in 1986 by Toei Distribution Network.『極道の妻たち』は、1986年、東映配給網により公開されたヤクザ映画。
My wife wants me to do away with this nice old hat.私の妻はこの古いよい帽子を私にすててほしいと思っている。
Hoping to cheer up his wife, Tom bought her a beautiful pearl necklace.妻を元気付けようとして、トムは美しい真珠のネックレスを買ってやった。
The butler announced Mr. and Mrs. Smith.執事はスミス夫妻の到着を告げた。
If it had not been for his wife, he would not have changed his job.妻がいなかったら、彼は仕事をかえはしなかっただろうに。
Tom is kissing his wife.トムは彼の妻に口付けをしている。
The heart-shaped pond is the pride of the royal couple.ハートの形をした池は国王ご夫妻の自慢の種である。
His wife was nowhere in evidence.彼の妻の姿はどこにも見えなかった。
My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan.休暇のプランについて妻と私の意見は一致した。
Men make houses, women make homes.夫は家を作り、妻は家庭を作る。
He fell out with his wife.彼は彼の妻と仲たがいした。
My wife's constant nagging really gets on my nerves.妻のひっきりなしの愚痴話には本当にいらいらする。
I'm looking for a bag for my wife.妻に贈るバッグをさがしているんですが。
My wife and children depend on me.妻と子供たちは私に頼っている。
She will make a good wife.彼女はよい妻になるだろう。
My wife is a doctor.私の妻は医者です。
He loves his daughter, but his wife doesn't.彼は娘を愛しているが妻は違う。
The couple who came on a shrine visit, Kouji Oonishi (40) and his wife Yukie (34) said, "We prayed that our child would grow up healthily."お宮参りで訪れた大西幸治さん(40)、由希恵さん(34)夫妻は「子どもが健やかに育つことを祈りました」と話していた。
With his wife and children in the country, he was at loose ends for something to do.彼は、妻子を田舎にのこしておいて、職を求めてぶらぶらしていた。
He is afraid his wife is not very domestic.彼は妻はあまり家事を好きではないとおもっている。
It is no exaggeration to say that, as far as he was concerned, his wife was life itself to him.彼にとって、妻は彼の命そのものだったと言っても決して大げさではない。
To make matters worse, his wife fell ill.さらに悪いことに彼の妻が病気になってしまった。
Having finished his work, he telephoned his wife.彼は仕事を終えてから、妻に電話をかけた。
He trusts his wife to a great extent.彼は妻を大いに信用している。
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