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Text to speech functionality by Responsive Voice
| The natives were tormented by a long spell of dry weather. | 現地人は干ばつ続きで苦しんでいた。 | |
| He was tormented by some deep sorrow. | 彼はある深い悲しみに苦しんだ。 | |
| His shyness made public speaking a torment to him. | 彼は内気で、人前で話す事は苦痛だった。 | |
| Father was tormented by my silly question. | 父は私の愚かな質問に苦しみられた。 | |
| The timid soldier was tormented by terrible nightmares. | その臆病な兵士は恐ろしい悪夢に悩まされた。 | |
| He is a constant torment to me. | 彼はいつだって私の悩みの種だ。 | |
| The yakuza were tormenting Hiroshi. | やくざがひろしに試練を課している。 | |
| I was a constant torment to my parents. | 私は両親の耐えない苦労の種だった。 | |
| I'm tormented by the noise of traffic. | 車の騒音に悩まされています。 | |