The conjugations and English meanings are automatically generated and not all forms are always relevant for all verbs. This is for a guide only - please double-check if you need to use the information for something important!
Verb Class1 ~ Godan ~ 五段
Stemhodok -
Te formhodoite
    untie, will untie don't untie, won't untie
Present Indicative Plain hodoku hodokanai
Polite hodokimasu hodokimasen
    lets untie, will probably untie let's not untie, probably won't untie
Presumptive \ Volitional Plain hodokō
hodoku darō
hodokanai darō
Polite hodokimashō
hodoku deshō
hodokanai deshō
    untie! don't untie!
Imperative Plain hodoke hodoku na
Politehodoite kudasai hodokanai de kudasai
Past Indicative Plain hodoita hodokanakatta
Polite hodokimashita hodokimasen deshita
Past Presumptive Plain hodoitarō
hodoita darō
hodokanakatta darō
Polite hodoita deshō hodokanakatta deshō
Present Progressive Plain hodoite iru
Polite hodoite imasu hodoite imasen
Past Progressive Plain hodoite ita
Polite hodoite imashita hodoite imasen deshita
Provisional Conditional eba Plain hodokeba hodokanakereba
Polite n/a n/a
Conditional (-tara form) Plain hodoitara hodokanakattara
Polite hodokimashitara hodokimasen deshitara
Potential Plain hodokeru hodokenai
Polite hodokemasu hodokemasen
Causative Plain hodokaseru hodokasenai
Polite hodokasemasu hodokasemasen
Passive Plain hodokareru hodokarenai
Polite hodokaremasu hodokaremasen
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